Even though it’s late May, it’s still pretty darn chilly here in North Idaho. I don’t think we’ve made it over 65 degrees yet, and there’s still a risk of frost at night.
My veggie starts are happy living on the deck for now, but it’s probably going to be awhile before I’ll be able to put them in the ground.
Fortunately, my perennial/herb garden doesn’t mind the cooler weather. The haskap is beginning to bud out, getting ready to make its delicious honeyberries:

Sour cherry tree in bloom ♥
Fingers and toes crossed that we have no more hard freezes!

The lungwort makes the purdiest flowers!

The sweet woodruff has done a fair amount of spreading and traveling since I planted a few little plants last year! Some have even broken out of their beds and are happily making homes in the garden pathways.
That’s lovage growing in the barrel in the background:

My big barrel-o-chives is happy happy HAPPY!

Super excited that some of our asparagus spears are finally thick enough to harvest this year!

A few years back, I was frustrated that I couldn’t find any nettles in the forested areas near our house, so I planted my very own stinging nettle patch:

One of my favorite tea herbs, lemon balm:

The comfrey living in the stinging nettle bed is going gangbusters this year!

My Roman chamomile is *just* starting to wake up:

These gorgeous golden current flowers are my making the local bees VERY happy!

Hello little marshmallow! Did you have a good sleep? ♥

The Italian plum tree is still pretty small, but hopefully we’ll get some fruit this year!

Do you have a garden? What kinds of things do you grow?