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My favorite things

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens… 🎶

The following collections of hand-picked equipment and products are things that I find useful. After much trial and error, these are the things that have stood that test of time. My hope is that some of these recommendations work for you too, spark some ideas and save you time and money.

Some of the below links are affiliate links. By clicking on them, you’re helping to support my site.

meal prep   |   fermenting   |   books   |   foraging   |   supplements

formulating & herbal prep   |   home apothecary

self care   |   sleep   |   gardening   |   travel essentials

meal prep

When it comes to fitting wholesome, homemade meals into our busy lives, it has to be as simple and convenient as possible. The right tools can make all the difference.

fermenting & preservation

Preserve your healthy kitchen creations and garden bounty!

favorite books

A short list of some of the most useful and often reached for books on my shelf.


When it comes to wildcrafting, being prepared is key. You never know when you’ll stumble upon a prime foraging opportunity! I always keep a kit in my car *just in case*.


Supplementing is a highly individual thing. These are some that that I trust and take on a regular basis.

formulating & herbal preparations

Some basic equipment that any formulator will find useful.

home apothecary

Some of the essentials you will find in my home apothecary.

self care

How many ways can we take care of ourselves every day?


Perhaps this should also fall under “self care,” but sleep is so important it gets its own category.

gardening & sprouting

My favorite tools and resources to keep green things on the menu year ’round.

travel essentials

Packing is a delicate balancing act of bringing along the essentials without overpacking. These are some of mine.


I’m committed to only recommending products and companies that I’m passionate about, that I personally use and trust. The content on this site may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase items through these links, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. These commissions help cover our operating costs to keep Redheaded Herbalist running. Thank you for your support! ♥

The content on is for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Claims made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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