My Favorite Herbal Coffee Blend with Reishi

In recent years, the market has been flooded with new brands of herbal coffee substitutes ranging from roasted herbal roots to powdered mushrooms and everything in between.
Still, I prefer to make my own herbal coffee blends. It’s cheaper, I can make it in bulk, adjust the ratios to suit our tastes and, most importantly, I know EXACTLY what’s in it. Plus, it’s stupid-simple to throw together.
“All the Lipids” Facial Oil with Sea Buckthorn

Awhile back, I was given a sample of Skin Active’s Every Lipid Serum to try out and really liked it. So of course, I immediately set out to make my own version. It started out as a pretty solid dupe, but true to form, I ended up going a bit rogue. (*squirrel!* *shiny ball!* *herbs!*)
Cardamom Bitters

Sometimes a picture really is worth 1,000 words. I won’t bore you with a long narrative of how this recipe came together. Instead take a look at this beauty ♥
The Balancing Act

Ultimately, I believe living our best, healthiest life comes down to finding that balance.
What does balance mean to you?
Sweet Woodruff & Maple Tapioca (for the Instant Pot)

I’ve been kind of obsessed with sweet woodruff ever since I discovered that the gorgeous, emerald green ground cover loved the dappled shade of my perennial/herb garden. The hardy herb spread like wildfire to cover all of the bare spots in beds where I’d normally be battling weeds. Less weeding makes this lazy gardener very happy…
Alcohol Intermediary Herb-infused Oils (& why understanding phytochemical solubility matters)

Are you ready to kick your oil infusion skills up a notch? An alcohol intermediary oil infusion harnessing the solvent powers of alcohol might sound a bit intimidating, but it’s surprisingly simple to do. Before we get to the hows of making an alcohol intermediary oil infusion, let’s take a quick look into the whys.
Herbal Water Infusions

One of the oldest, simplest, and some would argue, most effective ways to incorporate herbs into your daily life is in a water infusion, also known as tea. Or, if you’re fancy and drink your tea with your pinky out, a tisane.
Marshmallow Root & Green Tea Makeup Finishing Spray

jump to the recipe The more *ahem* mature I get, the more I’m realizing that setting powders, a longtime beloved makeup staple, are no longer my friend. Powder can highlight fine lines and appear cake-y on drier skin… and it boy howdy, it can really catch you off guard when glimpsed under the evil, unforgiving […]
Creating a ‘Feel-Good’ Exercise Routine

There’s no shortage of fitness options and workout styles out there, and which one is the best or most effective is the subject of much debate. Ultimately, though, the best exercise routine for you is always going to be the one you actually *want* to do, and therefore, the one you actually DO. Whatever it […]
Self Care & Staying on Track

using persuasive, habit-forming techniques from Scott Adams & James Clear It’s inevitable. Sooner or later, life happens and all those good habits you worked so hard to cultivate go straight out the window. If stressful periods that derail my normal routine go on long enough, I find it incredibly difficult to get back on the […]