Using Plantain to Make an Herbal ‘Sting Stick’ for Insect Bites
My herbal apprenticeship spent this week out in the woods, learning about identifying conifers, digging up and processing arrowleaf balsamroot… and feeding the mosquitos.
Fortunately for my itchy self, I developed a recipe for an effective bug bite remedy a couple summers ago. This Sting Stick has been a life saver.
Herbal Coffee to Go
We are, admittedly, coffee snobs of the highest degree, but when we travel, hotel coffee is almost always a bit disappointing. So what to do when coffee at home isn’t practical or possible?
Making an Herbal Tincture
Next to tisanes (aka herbal teas), tinctures are probably the most commonly used therapeutic herbal preparation. They’re a convenient way to incorporate herbs into your daily routine — effective, portable and easy to dose since you typically only take a few drops at a time diluted in water.
My Favorite Herbal Coffee Blend with Reishi
In recent years, the market has been flooded with new brands of herbal coffee substitutes ranging from roasted herbal roots to powdered mushrooms and everything in between.
Still, I prefer to make my own herbal coffee blends. It’s cheaper, I can make it in bulk, adjust the ratios to suit our tastes and, most importantly, I know EXACTLY what’s in it. Plus, it’s stupid-simple to throw together.
Cardamom Bitters
Sometimes a picture really is worth 1,000 words. I won’t bore you with a long narrative of how this recipe came together. Instead take a look at this beauty ♥
The Balancing Act
Ultimately, I believe living our best, healthiest life comes down to finding that balance.
What does balance mean to you?
Herbal Water Infusions
One of the oldest, simplest, and some would argue, most effective ways to incorporate herbs into your daily life is in a water infusion, also known as tea. Or, if you’re fancy and drink your tea with your pinky out, a tisane.
Creating a ‘Feel-Good’ Exercise Routine
There’s no shortage of fitness options and workout styles out there, and which one is the best or most effective is the subject of much debate. Ultimately, though, the best exercise routine for you is always going to be the one you actually *want* to do, and therefore, the one you actually DO. Whatever it […]
Self Care & Staying on Track
using persuasive, habit-forming techniques from Scott Adams & James Clear It’s inevitable. Sooner or later, life happens and all those good habits you worked so hard to cultivate go straight out the window. If stressful periods that derail my normal routine go on long enough, I find it incredibly difficult to get back on the […]
Balm of Gilead Salve with Tallow & Infused Honey
Cottonwood buds are bursting with a wonderful, sticky red resin that many herbalists refer to as an “herbal band-aid.” Its anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain relieving) properties make it a top-notch first-aid salve that deserves a place in every herbalist’s medicine cabinet (and perhaps a place in their daily skincare routine!)