Balm of Gilead Salve with Tallow & Infused Honey

Cottonwood buds are bursting with a wonderful, sticky red resin that many herbalists refer to as an “herbal band-aid.” Its anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain relieving) properties make it a top-notch first-aid salve that deserves a place in every herbalist’s medicine cabinet (and perhaps a place in their daily skincare routine!)
Mallow Mallow Tallow Lotion

The inspiration for this recipe came from its name. Say it with me: Mallow mallow tallow. Now a little faster: Mallowmallowtallow. It’s just so much fun to say out loud! ♥
“Healthy-Aging” Hyaluronic Acid Serum with Calendula

There’s a world of difference between anti aging and healthy aging. Healthy aging is not about seeking the Fountain of Youth, and is not afraid of a few wrinkles. The goal is simply to nourish and support the skin as we age, enabling it (and us) to look our best!
Nourishing Winter Barrier “Not-Petroleum” Jelly

Doesn’t it make sense that the ideal moisturizer should strive to mimic what is naturally produced by the body? This recipe uses a blend of three oils that come pretty darn close…