Infusing & Using Herbal Vinegars

Once upon a time, before the advent of distilled alcohol, liquid herbal extracts were made one of three ways: with water, wine or vinegar.
As a menstruum, vinegar is nowhere near as effective as alcohol at drawing out an herb’s medicinal properties; however, it can assist alcohol in extracting certain plant constituents.
Make-Ahead Fresh Garlic-Infused Olive Oil (Minus the Botulism)

As our days get busier, we are far more likely to reach for pre-packaged mixes and other convenience foods to lighten our load and make dinner prep a bit easier. These are some of my favorite homemade kitchen helpers you can make in advance and keep handy for those extra-hectic evenings… or even the non-hectic ones. Work smarter, not harder! Fresh […]
Healthified “Shake-n-Bake”

I keep a large jar of this stuff in my refrigerator at ALL times. It’s ridiculously versatile, and I use it often to jazz up sautéed vegetables, garnish casseroles, bread chicken, pork chops or fish. If you have an air fryer, this stuff works well as a breading to make “fried” chicken your kids will love.
Herbal Onion Soup Mix (with a SECRET Ingredient)

Onion soup mix is one of those versatile multitaskers that’s good for so much more than just soup. It’s fast and easy to make and tastes so much better than the store-bought stuff. No contest. And this version gets an extra boost of nutrition with an herbal “secret” ingredient…