Meet Your Ultimate Kitchen Multitasker: Homemade Greek Yogurt

In the world of handy homemade kitchen companions, Greek yogurt is a real stand out. In my home, we’re never without this indispensable multitasker. No exaggeration, I use it every day in one way or another. Greek yogurt’s lovely thick consistency makes it a versatile workhorse in both sweet and savory dishes — and everything in between.

Add a bit of Middle Eastern flare to your culinary creations with za’atar, a distinctive and complex spice blend that is both aromatic and savory, with yummy hints of tanginess and nuttiness.
Library of Herbal Monographs

While the science behind herbal medicine continues to evolve, the ancient art of healing with plants remains a testament to the enduring connection between humans and the natural world. By deepening our understanding of these powerful botanical allies, we empower ourselves to take charge of our own health. Materia Medica is a Latin term for the body of collected knowledge about the therapeutic properties of any substance used for healing — in this case herbs. This list is a living document of herbal monographs that I update regularly. ♥
Bella Limone Homemade Italian Dressing Mix

Anyone who’s been following Redheaded Herbalist for a minute, knows I’m a big fan of creating my own spice blends and dry mixes. All too often, commercial mixes come with a hefty price tag for what you get (not to mention a list of unpronounceable ingredients and additives). This Italian dressing mix is another kitchen staple that I’ve been making for a long time. It’s a lovely blend of traditional Italian herbs with just a touch of heat and a twist of dried lemon peel. Obviously, we use it to make a quick vinaigrette for leafy or pasta salads, but it also has tons of uses outside the salad bowl.
Raindrops on Roses & Whiskers on Kittens

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens… The following carefully curated collections are all tried and true through my own (considerable) trial and error. I think you will be very pleased with anything you buy through this page. Some of the below links are affiliate links. By clicking on them, you’re helping to support my site. Thank you!
Becoming a Fabric Snob

Imagine a wardrobe filled with beautiful, high-quality, classic clothing that not only makes you look and feel your best, but also simplifies your life… and possibly even contributes to your overall health? (what?)
“Balanced Bliss” Adaptogen Hot Cocoa Mix

Commercial hot cocoa mixes, while convenient, typically contain high levels of refined sugar (and/or artificial sweeteners), corn syrup solids, GMOs, hydrogenated oils artificial flavors and other highly processed ingredients. We can do better than that! It’s super-easy and cost-effective to make your own healthier hot cocoa blends using high quality ingredients. This recipe combines cocoa powder and maple sugar (aka dehydrated maple syrup) with a selection of adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms, which create a lovely, complex flavor in addition to giving the hot cocoa an added health boost.
Nourishing Herbal Infusions

A nourishing herbal infusion is a special type of herbal preparation that involves steeping nutritive herbs for an extended period of time in order to extract their vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. They’re a great way to support overall health and well-being. Some use NHIs as a whole-food multi-vitamin substitute. Depending on the herbs you choose, they can help to boost the immune system, increase energy levels and promote good digestion.
Smoke & Mirrors

A Smoke & Mirrors is a spicy, savory cocktail that Bloody Mary fans are sure to appreciate. At Mr. RH’s urging I tried to reverse engineer the recipe and, based off of the menu’s description, I think I came up with a passable copycat. It’s been a big hit at dinner parties! ♥
Taming Holiday Anxiety + Spiced Bourbon Maple Glazed Cashews

I adore the holidays. The decorations, the gatherings, the music, the movies… so many warm fuzzies! But if you’re not careful, the holidays can also be exhausting. Those idyllic Hallmark Christmas movie expectations can be tough to live up to — and trying to can lead to all kinds of holiday-induced stress and anxiety.