More Than Just a Pretty Face: Tincturing with Self-heal

Prunella vulgaris, commonly known as self-heal, is charming little purple flower that never fails to make me smile. But it’s so much more than just a pretty face. Self-heal possesses potent medicinal qualities, offering both topical and internal benefits, from wound healing to immune support.

Using Plantain to Make an Herbal ‘Sting Stick’ for Insect Bites

My herbal apprenticeship spent this week out in the woods, learning about identifying conifers, digging up and processing arrowleaf balsamroot… and feeding the mosquitos.

Fortunately for my itchy self, I developed a recipe for an effective bug bite remedy a couple summers ago. This Sting Stick has been a life saver.

Tincture Dilution Calculator

Calculate the volumes of any two alcohol proofs to create a tincture of a particular strength.

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