Meet Your Ultimate Kitchen Multitasker: Homemade Greek Yogurt

In the world of handy homemade kitchen companions, Greek yogurt is a real stand out. In my home, we’re never without this indispensable multitasker. No exaggeration, I use it every day in one way or another. Greek yogurt’s lovely thick consistency makes it a versatile workhorse in both sweet and savory dishes — and everything in between.

The Health Benefits of Soaking Nuts & Seeds

Nuts are one food that almost everyone agrees on. Whether you’re on a vegetarian, vegan, low carb/keto, Mediterranean, paleo, Weston Price traditional foodie or just trying to focus more on *real* whole foods — you probably consider nuts to be a healthy snack and a great source of good fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Unfortunately, you may not be getting the full benefits if the nuts/seeds are not prepared properly. Before our fast-food culture caught on, traditional cultures all over the world considered soaking, sprouting, fermenting and ‘activating’ a non-negotiable part of preparing grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Tincture Dilution Calculator

Calculate the volumes of any two alcohol proofs to create a tincture of a particular strength.

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