Scent-sational Science: Using Aromatherapy for Better Sleep

Judging by the ever-increasing size of the sleep aid section at the grocery store, getting enough sleep is a challenge for many of us. Adequate, quality sleep is crucial to our physical, mental and emotional well-being and our overall health.
Fortunately, there are many non-pharmaceutical things we can do to help our minds and bodies wind down and prepare for sleep, such as avoiding artificial light and stimulating activities before bed and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule.
Another thing to consider trying is aromatherapy.
Do You Practice Good Sleep Hygiene?

Cultivating practices that prioritize and promote quality sleep are essential for optimal health and well-being. What does good sleep hygiene look like?
Tips & Tricks for Doing GAPS with Kids

My family decided to embark on a healthier eating journey starting January 1. We committed to healthy homemade dinners every single night, no fast food at all and very minimal eating out. The style of eating we decided on is called the GAPS diet, a gut healing nutritional protocol designed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. Keep reading for some tips and tricks that helped us get the most out of our GAPS diet experience.
Preparing for GAPS

There’s no sugarcoating it; GAPS can be pretty darn time consuming and it’s a lot of pressure on the primary preparer of food.
Getting organized and planning and preparing meals and snacks in advance will save your sanity and help you to anticipate pitfalls and temptations that could derail your progress.
Let’s Talk About GAPS

Hippocrates famously stated that “All Disease Begins in The Gut.” Dr. Campbell-McBride would agree! As turns out, the health of your gut determines just about everything else.
GAPS stands for ‘Gut & Psychology Syndrome’ or ‘Gut & Physiology Syndrome’. The basic premise behind the GAPS protocol is that gut health is closely linked to overall health and that improving gut health can help improve all sorts of conditions ranging from allergies to autism, dyslexia to autoimmune disorders (and ALL chronic diseases have an autoimmune component).
Creating a ‘Feel-Good’ Exercise Routine

There’s no shortage of fitness options and workout styles out there, and which one is the best or most effective is the subject of much debate. Ultimately, though, the best exercise routine for you is always going to be the one you actually *want* to do, and therefore, the one you actually DO. Whatever it […]
Self Care & Staying on Track

using persuasive, habit-forming techniques from Scott Adams & James Clear It’s inevitable. Sooner or later, life happens and all those good habits you worked so hard to cultivate go straight out the window. If stressful periods that derail my normal routine go on long enough, I find it incredibly difficult to get back on the […]